
Dear friends

The entire team at www.covidhelplinebangalore.com thanks each one of you for visiting our website and using the information to help yourself and lakhs of other people

We are getting requests from many poor patients to pay for the Hospital Bills or Medicine like Injection Remedisivir and other Prescribed Tablets. Hence we appeal that if you wish to help poor patients who are unable to bear the hospital expenses or medicines, you can get in touch with us to donate. The entire amount collected will be used only to help poor and needy patients. There will be Zero admin expenses.

  • If you wish to donate please send an email to covidhelplinebangalore@gmail.com or Whatsapp  or Call 9845567687.
  • Bank Details of CIGMA Foundation Trust will be Shared to send in the donations.
  • Donors list with Donor Name, Place, Amount & Date of Donation will be published in this Page.
  • Beneficieries list with Name, Purpose, Payment made to Hospitals / Pharacies, Amount & Date will be published in this page.

Note: We have not shared the bank account details as we do not want any anonymous donations. 

Ameen e Mudassar
CEO, CIGMA Foundation
On behalf of the entire team

Donations Received for COVID-19 Poor Patients Fund

Sl. NoDateDonor NameCityAmount Donated
202.08.2020Binu MathewsBangaloreRs.2500/-
309.08.2020Mohammed IqbalBangaloreRs.25000/-
410.10.2020Naveen MahadevaiahBangaloreRs.5000/-
512.10.2020Dipak DhalBangaloreRs.5000/-
626.10.2020Reshma SultanaBangaloreRs.20,000/-
Total ReceivedRs.67500/-

Payments made using COVID-19 Poor Patients Fund

Sl. NoDatePatient NamePayment TowardsPaid ToAmount
122.08.2020RoselinCOVID19 Hospital BillVittals Medicare Pvt Limited, BangaloreRs.15000/-
208.09.2020Syed Tanveer AhmedInjection TocilizumabShifa Hospital, BangaloreRs.10000/-
313.10.2020Sundaramma GInjection TocilizumabHBS Pharma, BangaloreRs.10000/-
426.10.2020ShantammaInjection TocilizumabShifa Hospital, BangaloreRs.10000/-
529.10.2020Imtiaz AhmedInjection TocilizumabShifa Hospital, BangaloreRs.10000/-
604.11.2020MunawerCOVID19 Hospital BillHBS Hospital, BangaloreRs.10000/-
704.11.2020AyyappaInjection TocilizumabShifa Hospital, BangaloreRs.10000/-
Total Amt SpentRs.75000/-
Excess Amt SpentRs.7500/-
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